Outreach & Partnerships Made Easy

Automate Outreach & Nurture Partnerships

Juggling manual outreach? BlinkSwag streamlines workflows and empowers successful collaborations.​

Outreach & Partnerships Made Simple

Automate repetitive tasks and focus on building high-value relationships.

Effortless Outreach Automation

Ditch the spreadsheets and repetitive tasks. BlinkSwag automates outreach workflows, freeing you to focus on building relationships.

Seamless Partner Database

Find the perfect partners faster. Use contact groups to identify ideal matches based on your specific criteria.

Actionable Partnership Insights.

Gain valuable insights into your partnerships. BlinkSwag's analytics track performance and measure campaign success.

Simplify Partnership Management

Managing communication across multiple partners can be a nightmare. BlinkSwag provides a centralized platform for seamless collaboration, keeping everyone on the same page.

Automated Outreach Workflows

Automate repetitive tasks like sending gifts everytime you onboard a new partner, and managing leads. With personalized outreach messages.

Build Stronger Relationships

Nurture strong partnerships with practical communication tools. Through collaborative workspaces and streamlined engagement features.​

Discover Ways to Build Lasting Partnerships

Track Partner Campaigns

Track partner performance in real time with clear reporting tools. Identify opportunities for improvement and incentivize success with built-in reward programs.

Collaborative Workspace for Teamwork

Add contacts, build workflows, and manage rewards or gifting programs efficiently within a single intuitive and dedicated app.

Streamline Your Outreach & Partnerships

Effortlessly manage every stage of the process.

Capture Lead

and nurture them with targeted engagement strategies.

Collaborative Workspace

Foster seamless teamwork and collaboration with partners.

Track Performance

Gain valuable insights to optimize your outreach and partnership strategies.

Effortless Campaign Creation

Drag-and-drop builder for intuitive campaign design.

Automate Repetitive Tasks

Free up your team's time to focus on building relationships.

Performance-Based Incentives

Motivate partners to achieve exceptional results.

Customizable Workflows

Tailor BlinkSwag to fit your specific needs and processes.

Mobile Optimization

Ensure your campaigns look great on any device.

Integration Capabilities

Sync with other platforms and services seamlessly.


Have question?

Find the answer here and get to know more about BlinkSwag’s offering.

BlinkSwag is an all-in-one platform designed to streamline outreach campaigns, simplify partner discovery, and build successful collaborations.

BlinkSwag automates repetitive tasks like sending emails, following up with prospects, and managing outreach sequences.

BlinkSwag offers in-depth campaign analytics, allowing you to track key metrics and measure the effectiveness of your outreach efforts.

Yes! BlinkSwag offers performance tracking and reporting tools, giving valuable insights into partner activity and results.

BlinkSwag provides collaborative workspaces to facilitate successful collaboration and build stronger relationships with your partners.

Ready to Simplify Your Outreach & Partnerships?

Experience the BlinkSwag difference and unlock the full potential of your partnerships.